Liturgical Ministry
Current Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Altar Server
Serve at the altar by assisting the priest in a dignified manner in the spirit of the liturgy
Assist at Mass, Stations of the Cross and other liturgies
Arrange for a substitute when not available
Serve 1-2 times per month, depending on the number of ministers
Length of Commitment: One year, renewable
Adults and students in grade 4 or higher are invited to this ministry.
New Altar Servers receive initial training on their role, the objects used in the celebration
of the liturgy, and familiarity with the structure of the Mass.
Ongoing formation opportunities are offered.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Assist the priest at Mass with distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ
May take Holy Communion to the sick, the homebound, hospitals and care facilities
Arrange for a substitute when not available
Serve 1-2 times per month, depending on the number of ministers
Length of Commitment: One year, renewable
This ministry is open to fully initiated parishioners who are at least 16 years of age and who regularly share in the Eucharist. They should embody a mature Christian lifestyle of faith and charity, service and stability, living in a way that reflects love for and desire to serve Christ in others.
New extraordinary ministers receive initial training, and ongoing formation is offered.
Proclaim the Word of God as a living dialogue that allows the assembly to
hear and respond to God present among us at Mass
Arrange for a substitute when not available
Serve 1-2 times per month, depending on the number of ministers
Length of Commitment: One year, renewable.
This ministry is open to fully initiated parishioners who are at least 16 years of age. Lectors should have a good familiarity with the sacred nature of the texts proclaimed and be qualified to read aloud in public. They should be able to proclaim the scriptures with conviction, clarity and skill.
New lectors receive initial training. Ongoing formation opportunities are offered.
Be at church one half hour before Mass or other liturgy
Prepare all vessels and altar linens for Mass or other liturgy
Check ministry sign in sheet
Find substitutes if there are absences
Serve 1-2 times a month, depending on the number of ministers
Length of Commitment: One year, renewable
One on one training with a current sacristan
Exhibit a warm welcome to all
Greet all who come to St. Patrick Church with a handshake and smile
Arrive 20 minutes before Mass starts
Arrange for a substitute when not available
Serve 1-2 times per month, depending on the number of ministers
Length of Commitment: One year, renewable
This ministry is open to all parishioners
Families are encouraged to sign up
New greeters receive initial training
Exhibit a warm welcome to all
Greet, seat & assist the disabled
Gather the collection and place in safe as instructed
Assist with the Procession of the Gifts, Communion Procession, & distribution of bulletins/other worship aids
Straighten pew area following Mass
Arrange for a substitute when not available
Serve 1-2 times per month, depending on the number of ministers
Length of Commitment: One year, renewable
This ministry is open to parishioners who at least 16 years old
New ushers receive initial training